Human Development
At 16, Brent has already had the discipline and emotional issues for many years. He takes pride in his indiscretions: skipping school, starting fires, getting in fights, petty theft, and fantasizing about his classmates and adults in his life dying horrible, painful deaths.
Dana is a 12-year-old girl who is actively and excessively disruptive and combative toward others. She is very difficult in the classroom and has had discipline issues throughout this school year. She's becoming increasingly cruel and doesn't consider feelings when acting out.
9-year-old Kevin repeatedly has outbursts and gets angry over little things. Several times a week he gets confrontational or violent when met with criticism or resistance. He is easily frustrated and intentionally hurtful at times.
Zack is an 8-year-old boy displaying multiple routines and behaviors that are associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder. His father shares important details about Zack?s behavior and timeline.