Depressive Disorders

  • Kristen starts off by sharing how perfect she thought her life was. But then she shares that recently been diagnosed with Huntington's Disease; her husband has been so anxious lately; and she finally she's coming to terms with her son's autism. She describes her life like this, "I loved it. Everything. Until I just...didn?t like anything at all... things are just kind of...awful right now. As you watch the video and listen to Kristen describe her life, your task is to determine what disorder she has?  
  • Kevin's anger and inability to deal with criticism has reached a boiling point and he is finally ready for therapy. He presents and explains that he is not always angry, but a few times a week he loses control and becomes violent and confrontational. He has noticed that others tend to fear his outbursts and his condition is severely impacting his relationships. Viewers are tasked with watching Kevin as he explains his situation and the thoughts he has when the anger takes over. In his words and actions, clues about his condition are revealed, all of which can be used to seek out a potential diagnosis.  
  • Kevin's anger and inability to deal with criticism has reached a boiling point and he is finally ready for therapy. He presents and explains that he is not always angry, but a few times a week he loses control and becomes violent and confrontational. He has noticed that others tend to fear his outbursts and his condition is severely impacting his relationships. Viewers are tasked with watching Kevin as he explains his situation and the thoughts he has when the anger takes over. In his words and actions, clues about his condition are revealed, all of which can be used to seek out a potential diagnosis.  
  • Camila has been experiencing isolated incidents where her mood drops considerably, and she feels extremely low. She is overwhelmed by the depression and helpless to fight it and has been increasingly thinking about suicide.  
  • At her therapy session, Amrita, explains that she has never had a particularly high opinion of herself and has never truly been happy. Her childhood was full of shame and, as she matured, she continued experiencing low-mood and feelings of worthlessness. As viewers listen to her explanations and observe her mannerisms, they gain insight into the progression of her condition. Her description of the breakup of her relationship and her fear over the uncertainty of her future and that of her child hold clues to her condition which you'll need to make your diagnosis.  
  • Camila has been experiencing isolated incidents where her mood drops considerably, and she feels extremely low. She is overwhelmed by the depression and helpless to fight it and has been increasingly thinking about suicide.  
  • Amrita has never had a particularly high opinion of herself and she recalls feeling great shame when she was younger by things like snacking or indulging. She struggles with recurring sadness and low mood.  
  • Camila has been experiencing isolated incidents where her mood drops considerably, and she feels extremely low. She is overwhelmed by the depression and helpless to fight it and has been increasingly thinking about suicide.  
  • 9-year-old Kevin repeatedly has outbursts and gets angry over little things. Several times a week he gets confrontational or violent when met with criticism or resistance. He is easily frustrated and intentionally hurtful at times.  
  • Kristen is feeling very depressed. Her husband has been experiencing a prolonged period of anxiety, her son has Autism Spectrum Disorder, and she has just been diagnosed with Huntington?s Disease.  
  • At her therapy session, Amrita, explains that she has never had a particularly high opinion of herself and has never truly been happy. Her childhood was full of shame and, as she matured, she continued experiencing low-mood and feelings of worthlessness. As viewers listen to her explanations and observe her mannerisms, they gain insight into the progression of her condition. Her description of the breakup of her relationship and her fear over the uncertainty of her future and that of her child hold clues to her condition which you'll need to make your diagnosis.  
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